Hi Nadine,
I've discovered that it's not working correctly in production.
The 20 mile radius is not applied, it states "20.0 mi around each location extension" (not visible on the map).
While this is the result in the sandbox environment:
Seems to be a bug, since the code is exactly the same.
Could you let me know how to continue?
Op donderdag 19 november 2015 22:40:37 UTC+1 schreef Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team):
Op donderdag 19 november 2015 22:40:37 UTC+1 schreef Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team):
Hello Philo,
I'm pleased to hear that you got it working! I'm not sure on how to do that, either. If I find something, I'll post it here.Regards,Nadine, AdWords API Team
On Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 3:40:06 PM UTC-5, ph...@socialr.nl wrote:
Hi Nadine,
Thanks! I was able to get this working by entering the location name and country in the address field.$proximity = new \Proximity();$proximity->radiusDistanceUnits = 'MILES'; $proximity->radiusInUnits = 20;$proximity->address = new \Address(null, null, $loc->name, null, null, null, $loc->country);$campaignCriteria[] = new CampaignCriterion('<id>', null, $proximity);I would prefer to use the location criterion ID, but I'm not able to find any documentation on how to pass this ID to the proximity. The only options are geoPoint or address. ( https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/ )reference/v201509/ CampaignCriterionService. Proximity Is this correct or is there a different way?Thanks
Op donderdag 19 november 2015 21:27:00 UTC+1 schreef Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team):
Hi Philo,
I don't have an exact example, but I have one that is very close. Look at the AddCampaignTargetCriteria PHP example, and replace Location with Proximity. You'll find details about the Proximity object here.Best,Nadine, AdWords API Team
On Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 11:39:40 AM UTC-5, ph...@socialr.nl wrote:
Hi Nadine,
Thanks for your reply.Do you have an code example (in PHP if possible) on how to use the Proximity Targeting with a target location criterion ID instead of an address?Thanks!Kind regards,Philo
Op donderdag 19 november 2015 15:51:10 UTC+1 schreef Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team):
Nice job on finding the blog post! Yes, your understanding is correct that you now need a feed ID when you have a LocationExtensionOperand in your matching function.To solve your issue, here are two possible solutions:Cheers,
- Option 1: It sounds like you may already have a Feed with your target location defined. What you would need to do is to do a get() to get that feed ID with the location and then explicitly set it on the criterion.
- Option 2: This is a completely different approach that may work for you. You could give Proximity Targeting a try. It also gives you the ability to provide a radius around a target location criterion ID.
Nadine, AdWords API Team
On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 1:28:12 PM UTC-5, ph...@socialr.nl wrote:
I recently updated to from v201502 to v201509.After upgrading the API stopped working because of the required feedId (RequiredError.REQUIRED @ operations[2].operand.criterion.feedId). If I understand correctly it is now required to provide a feedId if you use the LocationExtensionOperand. (http://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.nl/2015/07/ )feedmappings-for-location- targeting.html We use AdWords to place ads for clients anywhere around the world and currently target locations with a 20 mile radius.If you take a look at the example code:How would we target using LocationExtensionOperand without needing to provide additional locations via FeedMapping?Thanks!
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