Thursday, 17 December 2015

Re: [bitsremembers] My writings


I agree that global warming is the main cause. Chemical industry , oil explorations and many such issues are bothering us. In chemical and Polymer industry we are always stressing on carbon footprint on all materials etc. Many alternate energy materials including shale gas, hydrogen cell energy , biomass, solar energy , energy conservation are being implemented and studied in depth by chemical society . My daughter Shwetha a fellow chem engineer is working hard at Exxon with many engineers all around. Regards, Ram

On 17-Dec-2015 2:04 pm, "surya sethi [bitsremembers]" <> wrote:

Ramkumar, Global warming as the name suggests is a global problem.  So Chennai alone or for that matter India alone cannot do much about it alone.  Please see my paragraph on the tragedy of the commons in the article.  Global commons are shared by every species and the carbon space in the global commons is limited and largely usurped by the rich nations and now China.

If there is interest, would be happy to give a talk as and when we meet.

On Thursday, December 17, 2015 10:22 AM, "Ramkumar Rangaswamy [bitsremembers]" <> wrote:

Sethi, Do you have any suggestions for Chennai which us going through climatic changes especially in monsoon season by North East monsoon which is playing hevoc in eastern coast muchmore in the last decade 1) Sunami in 2004 and lately heavy monsoon breaking A century record costing E exchequer an amount of Rs 15000 lakhs. As you are in Paris , it is the right time to identify those politicians operating Swiss account and make them pay for such lossess. At least Half a dozen guys in Tamilnadu with such records . regards, Ram
On 17-Dec-2015 10:14 am, "surya sethi [bitsremembers]" <> wrote:
Dear All

As some of you know, I write regularly on Energy and Climate Change. Do about 15-18 pieces a year. I have never posted my writings on the group site.  I am taking the liberty of posting my last of the three pieces on the recent Climate Negotiations in Paris because it is something that should interest everyone.  We are rapidly going down the hill to catastrophic climate events perhaps within our lifetimes.

My original banner was:"Paris Climate Accord -- The Ultimate Cirque du Soleil which the editor changed to Ten Inconvenient Truths About The Paris Climate Accord.

Other than this there were no other changes to the original. 

Your Critical comments are most welcome.


Ten Inconvenient Truths About the Paris Climate Accord
1. The Paris Agreement has deftly crafted language to ensure no legislative approval is required for its ratification by USA, underscoring the absence of broad poli...
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Posted by: Ramkumar Rangaswamy <>
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