Saturday, 27 February 2016

Re: [bitsremembers] Golden Jubilee - Dates and Rates etc


Dear BC
Firstly, my sincere compliments to Ramkumar, JP Soni, Vinod(s) and others in the team for their remarkable efforts and time commitment.
Now your query, pointwise:
1. Usha and I confirm that we will be attending the meet.
2. We will need the bus service from Jaipur. I believe it would be closer from Jaipur -right?
3. No other unreachable friend contacted as of date.
4. Shall make a contribution to corpus and keep you informed in good time.

Once again, thanks to the efforts put in by all concerned.


On 27-Feb-2016 3:54 pm, "'BC Jain' [bitsremembers]" <> wrote:

Dear friends,


Ramkumar recently visited Pilani. He and JP went to Mandawa and also met Director, BITS, Mr Sarkar to take our Golden Jubilee planning forward (our sincere thanks to both of them for the initiative and trouble taken). Here are the key take-aways:


·        The meet will be from Nov. 10th, Thursday to Nov. 13th, Sunday

·        We get to Mandawa (Swar Vilas) on 10th around lunch and stay there until breakfast on the 12th

·        We then move to BITS, Pilani for the 12th day and night and leave Pilani after breakfast on the 13th

·        Basic discussions on accommodation at both locations are done. Final negotiations / actions etc are being initiated by JP, Ashok Chugh and Ramkumar

·        Buses will be lined up from both Jaipur and Delhi, as per the requests. Final departure will be from Pilani back to Jaipur or Delhi. Direct travel by personal vehicles is of course an option for the interested ones

·        Facilitation at Jaipur will be by Vinod and Jaipur team. Same will be lined up for Delhi as well

·        Leaving out the bus charges, a tentative cost indication is Rs 18,000 per couple. As we want to maximize participation, lower contribution in specific cases is fine (with no questions asked and with total confidentiality). Higher contribution willingly is always welcome. No money is to be sent for now. We will start this process after we have a good idea of likely numbers


The process we need to start right away is confirmation of participation and connecting with more and more friends and encouraging them to join in. We also need to know your preference for joining the buses – Jaipur or Delhi.


One last thing for now – there is a suggestion from some of our friends about contributing to the BITS Corpus of our class. As of now, could you just confirm if you would like to contribute and , if yes, how much? You may also indicate if tax benefit is important to you. All this will again be confidential and we will take the matter forward once we know what kind of fund is likely to be generated. Earlier Corpus is being managed extremely well by our friend, Ramanan who could continue to look after even expanded fund. OP Jagetiya will guide us about the best way to contribute, taking tax implications into account for those interested in availing of the same.


So, could you quickly cover the following in your response:


·        Confirmation that you are joining the GJ – 2016

·        Bus from Jaipur or Delhi (or self-drive)

·        Info on other classmates who you have spoken to and who will be joining

·        Contribution to our Corpus. If yes, likely amount and whether you would like to avail of tax benefit, as applicable


We are targeting a minimum of 75 classmates with families and I do hope that we will surpass this number!


Very best wishes,





Posted by: "L.V KESHAV" <>
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