Jagan another true story. Jagan after ,2014 meet at Hyd comes back to Houston where I was already there before he left for India.I leave a couple of message on his home answering machine ( I don't know why they made answering machine ) probably to find meeting. He finally attends to my call saying he is back and had been to Mexico for some urgent visit . I tell him that i have an appointment with the Vice President of international energy commission at Houston 2 days later and it is at 9 am and that I should be free after meeting by 10 and that Shwetha my daughter in Houstan is dropping me at that place at 7 30 AM itself as her office timings are at 7 30. I carry some breakfast to have it at meeting place. After the meeting , I call jagan ( who was to meet me at 10 am and later take me home ). I don't what really happened to him that he reached only at 1 noon making me wait for 3 hours ( No alternative as there is no public transport in Houstan). Traffic was the reason given by Jagan. I still believed him. He says Ram , we will go for lunch and I am still under the impression that he is taking me to his home. Later he drives me to a lousy restaurant and decides to offer me lunch when I already had 2 nd breakfast to Energy commissions office canteen . I accepted to join him for lunch as he has made it after hectic rush in traffic. After that he drops me at a joint ( as my daughter can pick me up only after work time at 3 pm ) and waited for her to be taken back home. With this experience, can I take Jagan for granted. Even Shwetha agreed that it was a mistake on Jagans part to have not taken me to his home. One day while we were talking on phone , He wanted to be invited to my daughter S place for dosa and told him when he comes to Chennai, I will order dosa ( best ones ) at Saravana and it will be delivered at home. In 2015, Saravana has already opened one branch in Houston and I can invite him at Saravana for sure next time or even order paying for him at Chennai so that it is delivered at his home thus making my commitment easier. ( I plan to take driving lessons again in USA after 1994 ) so that I can drive it alone for my work or meeting friends in Houston .Experience of this nature is hard to be repeated. On the contrary, Keshav definitely meets my daughter when he was in Houston for a week and enjoyed her company for that little time at a restaurant . it was nice of Keshav and Usha to met her and she was equally excited. Ram
Jagan, This is true story it all emailsabout you and recently Keshav, whether you believe it or not. 1) jagan made a dashing visit to Mumbai in 1974 or so ( Now I am able to connect ) and decided to stay with me in my single room. He does not tell me his purpose of visit , though I guess for his USA visa ( He does not stay with Haridas or Keshav ,- his jigri dosts of Mumbai) . later leave my room for out of sight from me for 3 decades. He decides not to invite me for all his private meet with Keshav and Haridas . I want to ask all friends as to whether it is fair on the part of Jagan . Finally he decided to make up sending an invite in 2010 for his sons marriage.I did attend with Vasanthi. He did attend my daughters marriage alone . Is it fair again. Now story about Keshav- He decides to call me on 30 th Nov, 2015 morning to inform that he and Usha are in Chennai on 1 st Dec for some dance programme ( Arangetram ) of his some relatives and that I need not pick them up at Airport ( As he said he has some apartment fixed for him and that a taxi pick up us arranged, though I offered him to pick up as he once did in 2008 when I went for my 1 st ASTM committee meeting at Colorado where our Ramanan use to stay. I was receiving my daughter Shmita who was coming from USA on 30 th -1 st midnight in that heavy rains . I was working on 1 st Dec as to how to save ourself including Shmita who just landed. Heavy rains @ Chennai on 1 st Dec and doing some hectic work to save our family. Inspite, I saw the weather report at 12.45 Noon ( The last time I opened the website in that rains as HiFi stopped working there after ) . I decide to call Keshav from my land line ( As no Charge in my cell ) at 1 30 after lunch to tell him ( with difficulty I got him ) that he should refrain from checking in that flight as the down pour is reported for next 12 hours or more . He still does not believe me that the situation is worse and takes off to Chennai believing the pilot , only to land 50 ft from the runaway ( pilot decides not to land at Chennai and diverts to Bangalore. I called Keshav at 4 pm expected time of his arrival at Chennai ( not reachable message ) . He calls me later to tell me that he is At Bangalore Airport . I advised him to go back to Mumbai, which any way he planned to go. At 10 Pm I call him on phone to find if he has reached Mumbai safely with Usha. You know what was answer. Why dint I call him few hours earlier and tell him at Delhi ?. Is it fair to ask that question when we are working out our safety. Please read them and digest if you can . Ram
On 23-Dec-2015 6:39 am, "Ramkumar Rangaswamy" <ramkumar.rangaswamy@gmail.com> wrote:...jagan, Any more confrontation, I will come to your home at Houston in April 2016 and slap you for all your lies. Both you and Dr Goel has not passed my test . Hence Madhav will be the ( NRI - US coordinator ) for our next meet , although he turned on the answering machine when I was in his home town , for ASTM committee meeting in June 2010 ( He tried the same stunt with Rajesh pant in Goa meet inviting him to his home town and I advised Rajesh to take due care of such invite from an Indian American ) . He has changed after attending 2 meets now. Rajesh pant Coordinator for Middle East ( Deepak dhawan and Haridas has lost the deal ) has still not opened his mouth through BITS remember group ( Though he shoes his poetic knowledge through What's up ) and make sure Deepak Dhawan attends this meet. I don't what Deepak Dhawan is going to do with tons of money he earned in India and now in Dubai. Regards, Ram
Jagan. He did not slap Sanjay Gandhi. Sanjay Gandhi negotiated him at Airport when he was returning back from Europe alson with his minister, when he saw Sanjay following his car which he noticed. Sanjay wanted him to accept proposal fro Maruthi ( when he was in the heavy industry ministry with Minister ) and he completely regreeteed to do it much against his wishes. My dad asked his driver to take the side seat so that he would drive . He hit Sanjay car which was rash . His Premiur Padmini did get a smash. We have guts when it comes to negotiating wrong act. My uncle another IAS officer , Ex Chief Secretary was in Delhi in seventies ( now 90 still going strong ) is the man who told me about my fathers guts and I belive him.. You should know that i was the GM ( Marketing ) at Hindustan Flouro crabons, the unit which was promised by Indira Gandhi for her Medak election. I took over in 1988 when she was already dead , mainly to put that unit to track , helping Rajiv Gandhi for answering the parliament 1question, all about that unit and its essential needs for India (PTFE resin ) .Rajiv was a good person where as Sanjay was too ugly and only persons like my dad with guts could handle his nonsense.I dont bluff nor am I bothered about your comments.Ram2015-12-22 11:23 GMT+05:30 Jagan Allam jaganallam@hotmail.com [bitsremembers] <bitsremembers@yahoogroups.co.in>:
Be prepared to listen to his lies about how his dad slapped Sanjay Gandhi in front of Indira Gandhi!How was Burma?Jagan
To: bitsremembers@yahoogroups.co.in
From: bitsremembers@yahoogroups.co.in
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 05:51:01 +0530
Subject: RE: [bitsremembers] Jai Ho
Madhav, We should discuss on Nehru's dynasty when we meet next. I want to share some of the facts. Ram
On 21-Dec-2015 10:46 pm, "Madhav N Segal mnsegal@yahoo.com [bitsremembers]" <bitsremembers@yahoogroups.co.in> wrote:Ashok. A great post! All India-loving Indians must rethink the role of Nehru dynasty and its post independence contribution.MadhavSent on the new Sprint Network from my Samsung Galaxy S®4
-------- Original message --------
From: "'Ashok Bhow' ashokbhow@gmail.com [bitsremembers]" <bitsremembers@yahoogroups.co.in>
Date: 12/17/2015 23:36 (GMT-06:00)
To: bitsremembers@yahoogroups.co.in
Subject: [bitsremembers] Jai Ho
जब देश का बटवारा हुआ तब सरकार
किसकी थी ??
जब पाक अधिकृत कश्मीर बना तब
सरकार किसकी थी??
जब मुंबई पर हमला हुआ तब सरकार
किसकी थी??
जब चाइना ने जमींन हडपी तब सरकार
किसकी थी??
जब वीर सेनिकों के सर काट के
पाकिस्तानी ले गए तब सरकार किसकी थी??
बोफर्स का घोटाला हुआ तब सरकार
किसकी थी??
सेनिको की वर्दी का पैसा खा गए वो
सरकार किसकी थी??
सरदारों का कत्ले आम किया वो सरकार
किसकी थी??
शिमला का समझोता कर देश बेसकिमती
जमीन पाक को दे दी तब सरकार किसकी थी??
आसाम में हिदुओ का खून बहा तब सरकार
किसकी थी??
कश्मीरी पंडितो को मारा गया तब सरकार
किसकी थी??
कामनवेल्थ का घोटाला हुआ तब सरकार
किसकी थी??
कोल घोटाला हुआ तब सरकार किसकी थी??
2G का घोटाला हुआ तब सरकार किसकी थी??
दूरदर्शन के मोनो से "सत्यम शिवं सुन्दरं"
हटाने वाली सरकार कीसकी थी??
भारतीय मुद्रा से "सत्यमेव जयते "
हटाने वाली सरकार किसकी थी??
वन्दे मातरम का अपमान किया वो
सरकार किसकी थी??
एक नजर परिवार के कारनामोँ पर--
इंदिरा गाँधी के रास्ते में आने वाले लाल बहादुर शास्त्री की ताशकंद में रहस्यमय हालत में मौत हो गयी .?
नेहरु के लिए खतरा बन रहे श्यामा प्रशाद मुखर्जी और दीन दयाल उपाध्याय की हत्या कर दी गयी और पुलिस ने आज तक इस साजिश से पर्दा नहीं उठाया ?
राजीव गाँधी के लिए चुनौती बन रहे बीर बहादुरसिंह की पेरिस में मौत हो गयी .जबकि उनको ह्रदयकी कोई समस्या नही थी ?
सोनिया गाँधी के खिलाफ कांग्रेस अध्यक्षका चुनाव लड़ने की दो लोगो ने हिम्मत की ..
राजेश पाइलट और जितेन्द्र प्रशाद ..
राजेश पाइलट की कारको एक रहस्यमय ट्रक ने टक्कर मारकर गायब हो गया .और जितेन्द्र प्रशाद बरेली के सर्किट हॉउस में मर गए ??
इसके पहले सोनिया को चुनौती देनेवाले "सीताराम केसरी "को पार्टी से भगा दिया गया?
राहुल गाँधी के लिए खतरा साबित हो रहे माधवराव सिंधिया एक प्लेन एक्सीडेंट में मारे गए ..
जबकि उनका प्लेन ब्रांड न्यू था और उसमे कोई समस्या नहीं थी और उसमे किसी भी मौसममें उड़नेवाला सिस्टम लगा था .
काँग्रेस और विदेशी कम्पनियोँ के लिये खतरा बन चुके "राजीव दीक्षित" की मौत हो गई मृत्यु के बाद
उनका शरीर काला पड़ गया जो केवल जहर या करंट देनेके बाद होता है राजीव भाई की मृत्यु की खबर
किसी भी मीडिया चैनल ने नहीँ दिखाई
मित्रों , आखिर इस "पवित्र" परिवार को किस देवता का आशीर्वाद मिला हुआ है जिससेकी जो भी इनके
अत्याचारों के खिलाफ आवाज उठाता है या रास्ते में आता है उसकी रहस्यमय हालात में मौत हो
जाती है ?????
सँविधान की धारा 30(A) के तहत विद्दालयोमे गीता रामायण पढाना प्रतिबँधित है,
मदरसो मे कुरान और ईसाईयो को बाइबिल पढाने कीछूट ||
हिन्दू मँदिरो और तीर्थ स्थानो के चढावो पर 70% सरकार का हक, मस्जिदो और मजारो पर चढावे का पूरा हक उनका :
साथ ही साथ सरकारी अनुदान||
बाबा अमरनाथ की यात्रा पर सरकार को टैक्स, लेकिन हज यात्रा पर सब्सिडी !!
धर्म-निरपेक्षता -......
My foot....
5/- रूपये वाली 'बीयर' की बोतल आज 80/- रुपये की हो गई, कभी किसी ने दारु का ठेका नहीं फूंका
25 पैसे वाली कोकाकोला , आज 12/- रुपये की हो गई कभी किसी ने अमेरिका का पुतला नहीं फूंका
5/- रूपये वाला Mac-Donald बर्गर आज 55/- रुपये में बिक रहा है, कभी किसी ने रेल नहीं रोकी
5/- रूपये का चिप्प्स
का पैकट आज 30/- रूपये का हो गया कभी किसी ने रेल नहीं रोकी
5/- रुपये में आने वाला सिनेमा का टिकिट 300/- रूपये का हो गया कभी किसी ने कोई सिनेमा हॉल नहीं फूँका
चीनी २/- रुपये महँगा क्या हुई Breaking news हो गई I
और 10/- रूपये का रेल टिकट 11.40/- रूपये का क्या हुआ, सब छातिया पीटने लगे I जो महिनो मे एक दो बार देना है !
अच्छे दिन आयेंगे सब्र तो करो ।
जम्मू से कटरा रेल का किराया 20 रुपया हे । टेक्सी वाले 2500 से 3000 रुपया लेते हैं|
यही तो अच्छे दिन हे
बस देश की जनता आलू-प्याज़
Posted by: Ramkumar Rangaswamy <ramkumar.rangaswamy@gmail.com>
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